What is the delivery time?

  • It depends on the items, we have some items ready for delivery and customized items that take longer to prepare, you can find more information at: Delivery Service
What does customization involve?
  • For kits, customization is included on the panels, while all other items are as shown on the website. When ordering, you can enter the name and age in the respective fields.
  • For individual items, we customize round stickers, banners, invitations and cake toppers .
  • For figures you can choose any character from the theme.
  • For paper molds, cupcake toppers and wrappers , you can choose one character per set of items.
  • For invitations you can provide details such as: location, date, and time of the party.

Can I request new themes or make changes to existing themes?

  • Yes. We can create new themes , and make color changes or place photos on the existing ones. Talk to us for better assistance in these cases.

Do you send digital samples of customized items?

  • Whenever the theme image and item are visible on the website, we do not send samples.
  • We send samples of all products "to be designed" on the website, of all "new themes" and/or "changes" agreed in advance.

Are the items delivered printed and cut out?

  • Yes, all our items are delivered printed and cut out.
    The size of the panels may vary by 1/2 cm. Some require simple assembly, which you can see in our videos.

Do the items have quality?

  • Yes, customized items are produced using the best papers and printing machines tailored for each effect. Please refer to the description of each item for specifications. For items in stock, we carefully inspect their quality upon receipt at the store.

Do you offer returns?

Do you ship abroad?

  • Yes, we are shipping to the Portuguese community residing in the Euro Zone. Talk to us to analyze shipping costs and better manage these orders.

Do you decorate clients’ homes?

  • This service is exclusively online, with no home visits to clients.

See also: